1.             Obtaining direct cost of incomplete crop production per decare – per certain block and average for the farm.
  2.             Automatically calculation of the direct cost of harvest produce per kilogram/tonne.
  3.             From accounting data you can add the indirect costs in percent or absolute value per decare, respectively per kilogram/tonne and calculate the full cost.
  4.             You decide faster and more accurate how to act in dynamic market conditions.

  1. Creating an electronic register of animals you grow – elite, dairy, fattening…
  2. Each animal receives and electronic veterinary and personal cardboard, an animal dossier is kept.
  3. You can track and issue documents for all activities (generalized or about each animal): produced output, feeding, weighing, immune prophylaxis and diseases, displacement between physiological groups or storage bases and other.
  4. The vet and the manager have reports that speed up important decisions. 

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